RoPaxes “A Galeotta” ex Visentini NB Hull C238 and Visentini NB Hull C237
At end of the year 2022 the RoPax “A Galeotta”, ordered in 2019 through us by the French company Corsica Linea to the Visentini’s shipyard, has been successfully delivered to her Buyers.
The “A Galeotta” with dual fuel LNG / MGO propulsion system has a capacity of 2.559 lane meters for trailers + 149 cars, 1.000 persons on board, 216 passengers cabins and a service speed of about 23 knots.
Furthermore in June 2022 we have concluded a long term bareboat charter contract with the Polish state owned company Polska Zegluga Baltycka S.A. (Polferries) for the new Visentini RoPax, NB Hull C237, presently under construction at the Visentini’s shipyard on their own account.
This RoPax will be LNG ready with a capacity of about 2.875 lane meters for trailers + 212 cars, 1.000 persons on board, 230 passengers cabins and a service speed of about 23 knots.